This week it was announced that Funcom was placing Joel “Nusquam”
Bylos in charge of its 3 MMOs. The rumors
were out and, while not surprised, I received this info with mixed emotions. A new perspective and a fresh approach are
not a bad thing. Funcom is doing more
with less - the economics dictate that they must. Clearly for
now, TSW is going to be the center-piece MMO, but Age of Conan still apparently has a stable population and is
profitable on a smaller scale. Funcom
would be foolhardy not to try to grow the game somewhat, given the considerable
time and resources they’ve put into it. The appearance of Age Of Conan on Steam this week, suggests that such an approach has been recognized. Players are excited to see what Bylos will
accomplish … and yes, many are impatient to see the remaining Dragon’s Spine
content come soon, (especially the crafting revamp!!). Bylos's first GD letters across the 3 games' forums were neither generic nor redundant (which is a nice early indicator that he respects all three communities as distinct customer groups). AoC's 5th anniversary in May will be an more appropriate time to write more extensively
about the new GD's early impact.
For the record, I genuinely respect Craig Morrison (present tense … he’s
not dead) and I very much appreciate the vast majority of the things that
he accomplished in Age of Conan. When Morrison came to the MMO, the game was a
staggering amalgam of captivating ideas, technical innovations, exceptional
music, and peerless visual design. Nonetheless, these were mixed with frustrating
content gaps, glaring bugs, disappointing feeble systems (e.g. crafting); and worst of all, a
game mechanic that didn’t really motivate many players.
The loot itemization system had been conceptualized to be shallow precisely to keep the PvP skill-oriented combat from being imbalanced by PvE item stats: an idea fascinating in theory but untested in practice. Players quickly complained that there was no compelling incentive to pursue loot (i.e. "Why bother raiding or doing instances, if we don't really need the rewards?) Despite reporting great sales at launch, the game was not ready and many frustrated players departed. Age of Conan: Uncooked has become something of a cautionary tale in the MMO industry.
The loot itemization system had been conceptualized to be shallow precisely to keep the PvP skill-oriented combat from being imbalanced by PvE item stats: an idea fascinating in theory but untested in practice. Players quickly complained that there was no compelling incentive to pursue loot (i.e. "Why bother raiding or doing instances, if we don't really need the rewards?) Despite reporting great sales at launch, the game was not ready and many frustrated players departed. Age of Conan: Uncooked has become something of a cautionary tale in the MMO industry.
Precisely why Funcom released what was essentially a
beta-version in May 2008 remains unclear. The game was
visually stunning but essentially was premature.
At that time, the Game Director, Gaute Godager, had a very different vision
for Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures. His original vision emphasized a game with both PvP and PvE in equal measure, with an endgame focused
on PvP siege competition. Presumably PvE elements were supposed to supply gear that gave a slight edge and PvP play to cultivate player-skills and ultimately earn guild prestige. Elements of this plan were
frequently reflected in the marketing. Brawling in
taverns, for example, was generally promoted as an exciting in-game
option. Well, it was there ... briefly ... and now exists in a minor way as a quest completion item,
not as a major PvP system. The game was simply not what what had been hyped. (IMHO: Very likely Godager's AoC might been destined to be a
more a niche game. It probably would never have become aWoW killer, a destiny that most promising new MMOs seem briefly to acquire in the popular imagination.)
By late summer of 2008, subs were declining. In
September of that year, Godager left in frustration. The popular inclination ever since has been to blame
Godager for leaving players with a flawed masterpiece. But this is somewhat unfair, Godager had
actually worked on the project for about 6 years and should also be credited by those of
us, who love the game, for actually establishing a starting point. It must have been hard to leave a company he helped create over a decade before, seeing his dream project not quite meet his hopes. That being said, seldom do current players seem to grasp that Funcom’s
shareholders (many of whom probably don’t care exceedingly about MMOs being ideal) were
legally entitled to demand a return on their investment after a long
development period. Regrettably, many
players still have difficulty accepting that Godager’s ideal AoC, while intriguing and appealing to
many; was not what we got; it's sure not what we have; and as things stand now, it's not what we're
likely get.
Community Director, Craig “Silirrion” Morrison, who had also
spent considerable time working on AoC
and Funcom’s previous MMO, Anarchy Online,
stepped into the breach. There can be no
doubt that Game Director Morrison’s first assignment was to make the game relevant to the
majority of players and stop it from seeming like a beta. Under Morrison’s watch the 1.05 patch began a
re-imagining of AoC and a re-shaping
of the game to be more appealing to mainstream MMO players.
Subsequently, thanks to Morrison much was added, changed, and definitely improved:
Subsequently, thanks to Morrison much was added, changed, and definitely improved:
- A PvP system was adopted
- Consequence system
- Leveling content was added (from Atzel’s Approach to Tarantia Commons etc.)
- Classes have been ‘vamped’ and re-vamped
- New leveling instances (Slaughter House, Iron Tower, etc.)
- T2 (Feb 2009) & T3 (Feb 2010) Raiding was completed
- Direct X 10 Client (March 2009)
- Innumerable polishes (e.g. adding inspect other’s gear in GUI; new mounts; Seasonal contents, Facebook, Lock-out window in GUI etc.)
- The Gem revamp (June 2009)
- Veteran points and vendors
- Guild play content (Feb 2010)
- PvP tokens
- Shrines of Bori (sigh)
- Local Fast-Travel improvements
- Offline leveling
- Initial Rise of the Godslayer content (May 2010)
- AA
- Critigation gear
- Exotic Mounts
- Factions
- Numerous instances and some raiding / repeatable quests
- Silk Road
- New tokens
- Jhebbal Sag
- RP horse racing
- Dreamworld update (much of this is less obvious)
- Refuge of the Apostate (April 2011)
- Ai District and T’ian’an District (May 2011)
- Free-to-play Age of Conan is 'unchained'
- In Game Shop
- Forgotten City and the Breach (July 2011)
- Blood & Glory
- Savage Coast of Turan
- Ardashir Coast
- Fort Ardashir
- Isle of Iron Statues
- Dead Man’s Hand
- Temple of Erlik Raid
- More Dreamworld updates - e.g. server side PhysX (Nov. 2011)
- 2 House of Crom instances (Jan 2012)
- Jade Citadel Raid content begins (March 2012)
- Multi feat specs (June 2012)
- Unchained versions of Dead Man's Hand (solo), Forgotten City (solo) and The Breach (group) (June 2012)
- Jade Citadel Raid content is completed
- New Amphitheatre of Karutonia Unchained (Oct. 2012)
- New Sprint Mechanic and Mount re-vamp (August 2012)
- Secrets of Dragon'sSpine (Jan 2013)
- Sepulcher of the Wyrm
- (Crafting revamp underway - confirmed)
- (New raid content underway - suggested)
- New PvP mini-game
- New Yothian Mount (Feb 2013)
a considerable amount of solid and great work here. Additionally, it is fairly certain that a few
more of Morrison’s initiatives are still on the table such as the long awaited
stealth revamp and maybe some ideas for cross-server implementation.
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This PoM remembers a time when entering the Iron Tower couldn't be done but Silirrion made it possible. |
it seemed at times like the game was dragging and players were starving for new
content; the fact remains that for a game that has a smaller but apparently stable
player base, Age of Conan: Unchained
is neither dead nor neglected.
the majority of his tenure, Morrison was always in communication with the
community and whether players agreed or not; he tried to professionally
communicate his perspective. Even when
faced with occasionally personally oriented abuse, he frequently expressed his acceptance that it came
from passionate players who, at heart, wanted the game to succeed (albeit in a manner
most amenable to their play preferences).
This Machine Age be accused of producing a retrospective flattery-fest: Morrison’s era was not always smooth. Though no doubt sincere, the communication of timelines
and delays was often aggravating. Some of the decisions made on his watch seemed
to serve corporate imperatives (e.g. the initial Khitai grind; or free-to-play being
limited initially to 4 classes). How these benefit players is debatable. And
yeah, some bugs in the game persist (such as the minor invisible-mount bug or
the more exasperating issues of lag spikes, and undependable siege-play performance). Evidently, Godager’s PvP-oriented plan for AoC is ancient history. Nonetheless, the difficulty of managing the game's PvP content provides a instructive lesson.
Shrines of Bori content is the obvious case. Bori was a productive idea in theory; one designed
to help PvP newbs gear up faster and so become more competitive with vets. However, the PvP community largely felt it was
more akin to PvE. It was clear that at
the time, Morrison acceded to PvP players’ demands for PvP content a.s.a.p. and
Bori was released sooner than he wanted. (Funcom probably has a policy geared towards
avoiding that miscalculation … The Secret World’s smooth
launch is a case in point.) Morrison was between
a rock and a hard place and got some toes squished. Lesson learned … the subsequent PvP idea for world bosses (something on a small scale but akin to
Rift’s world events) was scrapped at length when the PvP guys protested.
to avoid similar missteps, when determining player preferences, surveys were employed. While a nice idea in practice, surveys have a
few fatal weaknesses: 1) even sincere surveys are vulnerable to the perception
of question bias; 2) similarly such stats can be perceived to be interpreted to suit bias; and 3)
while superficially democratic, a survey of a community with a small but
dedicated minority (e.g. PvP) will seldom produce an overwhelming case for that
community’s needs especially when other groups (PvE raiders or crafters) who want their own
wishes fulfilled and who are competing
for the same dev resources, are completing the same survey. Hence, angry
and (however justly or unjustly) disgruntled sub-groups seldom acquiesce to
survey results (unless miraculously, they find in their favour). While the survey probably benefited a PvE
player like me, it still remains a tool that's vulnerable to negative-perception and as a potential exercise used to
dismiss PvP players: even if that wasn’t its actual intention. When it comes to surveys: use with caution.
wonders whether Craig Morrison, in hindsight, just wishes he’d taken the same
time and resources to deliver a tiered-arena system (and in-game coliseum) or a
revamped siege system both of which have been the observable desires of many vocal
PvP players. It's likely that by the time this solution was clear, he wasn't in a postilion to deliver it.
being Funcom employees, most players cannot really know what limitations affected
Morrison. Hence, I cannot
fairly judge. And despite my admittedly arm-chair
expert views on the PvP matter, I genuinely do admire Craig Morrison’s
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Ya never know; that nameless faceless Sin you see chillin' in Khemi next week, could be Silirrion just enjoying the fruits of his labours. |
fact, Craig Morrison, I hope he's free now to join us as an AoC player! And this is meant this in the best spirit; I hope he
gets to enjoy the game for what it is and reap the simple pleasures of his hard
work. I like the idea that, somewhere in
a pug raid there’s a nondescript HoX or Sin who seems too shy to speak on voice coms;
an otherwise typical player, but who is in fact GD ("Gamer Dude") Silirrion playing for kicks. From what one can ascertain about him from
his blog and on Twitter, he’s a talented, thoughtful, likeable guy, who loves
his career in game development. He always
brings his A-game; and in his work-life, he gets to play in the major-leagues.